

Documentary project Second Wind

Second wind


Second wind

A documentary project about five seriously injured militaries conquering Kilimanjaro.

"Second Wind" is a Ukrainian documentary about five incredible veterans who refuse to be defined by their injuries.  Despite amputations and serious wounds sustained defending their country, they embark on a journey to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa.


This film aims to shift how people view veterans with disabilities, highlighting their strength, resilience, and determination to contribute to rebuilding Ukraine.  It's a story of inspiration for those adapting to life with prosthetics, showing that a fulfilling and purposeful life is possible after serious injury.


Beyond the personal stories, "Second Wind" shines a light on the challenges of veteran rehabilitation in Ukraine, advocating for better access to care, accessible environments, and high-quality prosthetics.  By combining sports, human resilience, and the fight for a better future, the film proves that even after the most difficult experiences, we can all achieve new heights.

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